Assisting the development of WHO Policy regarding the Delivery of Deworming Control and Elimination Programmes

The last few years have seen a shift in the aims of the schistosomiasis community from the control of morbidity to elimination - both as a public health problem and of transmission. In order to bring about this transition a robust research evidence base is required, as well as an effective dissemination mechanism, primarily through updated and optimised WHO guidelines.

The WHO guidelines for the control of schisto morbidity are well-established and have been validated by field experience in many countries. However what requires further elucidation is the recommended treatment strategy following several rounds of implementation when infection levels have been reduced, which is a situation now being arrived at in several countries.

The aims of this grant are to help fill the knowledge gaps surrounding the transition from morbidity control to elimination and to support the expansion of WHO guidelines to incorporate elimination strategies.

The results of this research project will feed directly into WHO policy regarding the Delivery of Deworming Control and Elimination Programmes which will in turn impact the guidelines that control programmes follow.

LCNTDR Research team