Laura C. Gonzalez Villeta

PhD candidate

Laura is a PhD student at the University of Surrey. Her research focuses in expanding the understanding of the effect of environment on the prevalence of disease -particularly salmonellosis- through a novel mixture of statistical and mechanistic models. The aim of the project is to develop a tool to assess the risk of disease based on information of relevant environmental factors.

Laura obtained her degree in Veterinary Medicine from Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) in 2017. She counts with some international experience thanks to academic exchanges and internships in the US (Iowa) and France (Lyon); followed by some teaching experience in Ghana (Tamale). Before coming to Surrey, Laura worked as a trainee at the European Food Safety Authority (Parma), where she reinforced her passion for disease control.

With a special interest in neglected tropical diseases and disease control in developing countries, Laura's main interests are the control and prevention of zoonoses and foodborne diseases. She enjoys working with data and is willing to continue learning and putting her knowledge at the service of epidemiology and public health.