Dr Chris Grundy

Assistant Professor
Chris.Grundy [at] lshtm.ac.uk

Chris's interest is in how geographical information systems (GIS) can be used in novel ways in public health, particularly its use in surveillance, interventions, and in public engagement and knowledge transfer. Increasingly his work is on methodology around data collection, visualisation and dissemination.

Population estimation and survey methodology. GIS and GPS tools are increasingly being used in surveys. He is currently working on a range of projects looking at developing and field test new methods, especially one that will work in complex informal urban settings.

Working with mobile populations. He has a particular interest in working with mobile, often hard to reach populations. Monitoring movement and methods to accurately collect information on locations visited over time are the main focus of this work.

Crowd sourcing and other data collection methodology. How we collect data and involve local and remote communities in outbreaks and surveillence has been on-going area of my work for years.  He is particularly interested how we collect geographical locations during outbreaks or during an emerency / natural disaster.

He works closely with academic, governement and non-goverment agencies to build capacity in using GIS in their work. He has stronge links with many NGOs and have worked with their local and internaltional offices.