Scotland's Rural College

Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) is a public land based research institution focused on agriculture and life sciences. Researchers at SRUC are active in a number of NTD research initiatives including molecular epidemiology and evolution of insecticide resistance in Anopheles funestus. They are also currently working on understanding the population genomics of Ascaris lumbricoides infecting endemic communities in Ethiopia.

SRUC specialises in fostering cross-modal research to answer numerous epidemiological questions regarding population biology of pathogens in Scotland. The new Centre for Epidemiology and Planetary Health (CEPH) has broadened the research output of SRUC, focusing on medically relevant pathogens globally. Crucially CEPH has always driven research output through cross-modal approach using mathmatical, molecular and medical driven methods to investigate population biology of pathogens. This approach will be replicated in working within the NTD field.

 SRUC researchers work in collaboration with other LCNTDR members including Imperial college London, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, and the Natural History Museum.