Students & Early Career Researchers

The London Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease (LCNTDR) is broadening its membership to welcome students and early career researchers from LCNTDR member institutions.

All students enrolled at the MSc or PhD levels will be eligible to join the Centre and avail of member benefits, including access to members and affiliates bulletins, invitations to attend and present at LCNTDR research afternoons and events, exclusive access to travel grant opportunities, and other opportunities to network with the Centre’s diverse membership of world-leading NTD researchers.

By expanding membership to students who are passionate about NTDs, the Centre aims to support students to develop research networks, fill research gaps, and ensure that LCNTDR member institutions continue to contribute to the highest quality NTD research globally.


  • Provide a platform to share NTD research with students;
  • Support students to identify NTD opportunities for summer projects;
  • Build confidence in presenting NTD research;
  • Ensure that the NTD community fosters talent among early career researchers; and
  • Strengthen the NTD community of researchers.

If you are a student at one of LCNTDR’s member institutions and would like to join the centre, please contact Joanne Webster: jowebster [at] rvc [dot] ac [dot] uk.